What actually DMCA is?

The DMCA, or Digital Millennium Copyright Act implemented in 1998, is like a superhero for protecting stuff online. It’s a law that helps people who make things like songs, videos, or games to keep them safe from being stolen on the internet. But it’s not just about protecting the creators; it also helps the places where these things are shared online, like websites and apps.

At, we take DMCA rules seriously. We respect intellectual property rights and promptly address any copyright infringement claims. Our DMCA policy ensures fair use of content, fostering a safe and legal environment for all users.

How does DMCA work?

If someone thinks their copyright is being violated on a website, they can send a notice to the website’s owner. That’s where DMCA comes in! It gives you special powers to say, “You can’t use it without asking me first.”

The owner then has to take down the content in question. If the person who posted the content disagrees, they can send a counter-notice. After that, it’s up to the courts to decide.

Cool parts of DMCA

1) Safe Harbor

This is like a secret hideout for websites. If they follow the rules, they won’t get in trouble if someone puts something on their site that they didn’t know was stolen.

2) Notice and take down

This is like raising your hand in class to tell the teacher someone’s doing something wrong. If you see something on a website that doesn’t belong there, you can tell them to take it down.

3) No punishing good guys

If a website didn’t know something was stolen and they follow the rules, they won’t get in trouble.

What if you’re the Creator?

If someone steals your stuff and puts it online without asking, you can use the DMCA to tell them to stop. You just have to follow some steps, like telling the website where your stuff is being used without permission.

What if you’re the Website?

If someone tells you that there’s something on your website that shouldn’t be there, you have to listen. If it’s true, you have to take it down or else you could get in trouble.

Be Careful.!

But wait, using the DMCA isn’t like playing a game. If you use it the wrong way, you could get in trouble! So, always ask an adult or someone who knows about the rules before you use it.

The DMCA is like a rulebook for the internet, making sure everyone plays fair. It helps creators protect their stuff and websites keep things safe. Just remember, with great power (like the DMCA), comes great responsibility!

Contact Info

You can contact us regarding any DMCA-related issues through our Designated agent at:

[[email protected]]

Please include relevant details and evidence in your communication for prompt assistance.