Color codes in Car Parking Multiplayer
In Car Parking Multiplayer, customizing your vehicle is one of the most exciting aspects of the gameplay. Using color codes, You can change your car’s paint, rims, and even the interior to create a unique look.
From bold red to subtle blues, the options are nearly endless. I’ll guide you on how to select and implement color codes in Car Parking Multiplayer MOD APK. So that you can express your style and creativity while enhancing the gameplay.
What are color codes in Car Parking Multiplayer?
Let me guide you, what actually color codes are? So basically color codes are a system that allows players to customize the colors of their cars. These codes are often presented in the RGB format, which stands for Red, Green, and Blue. Each color is represented by three numbers each ranging from 0 to 255.
For example;
Red: 255,0,0
Green: 0,255,0
Blue: 0,0,255
White: 255,255,255
Black: 0,0,0
5 rarest color codes in Car Parking Multiplayer:
In Car Parking Multiplayer, I discovered some rare color codes that make my car stand out. Here’s the list of 5 rare color codes;
1) #0173D3: Bright Blue

The color code #0173D3 corresponds to the shade of blue known as “Bright Blue”. The color bright blue is a clear and bright shade, like a sunny summer sky.
2) #ED9902: Tangerine

The color code #ED9902 corresponds to the shade of orange known as “Tangerine”. The color tangerine is a lively, vibrant orange that brings a splash of sunshine.
3) #3C0023: Blackberry

The color code #3C0023 corresponds to the shade of dark purple known as “Blackberry”. The color blackberry is a deep, rich purple that adds a touch of elegance to your vehicle.
4) #1B2632: Charleston Green

The color code #1B2632 corresponds to a dark shade of blue known as “Charleston Green”. The color Charleston Green is a deep, dark blue shade that gives a calm, evening feeling. It’s great for making a peaceful and elegant space.
5) #960522: Carmine

The color code #960522 corresponds to a deep red color known as “Carmine”. The color Carmine is a rich, dark red that gives a bold and dramatic look. It’s perfect for adding a touch of elegance and intensity.
List of famous color codes:
1) White – #FFFFFF
2) Black – #000000
3) Red – #FF0000
4) Blue – #0000FF
5) Green – #008000
6) Yellow – #FFFF00
7) Orange – #FFA500
8) Purple – #800080
9) Pink – #FFC0CB
10) Gray – #808080
11) Cyan – #00FFFF
12) Magenta – #FF00FF
13) Silver – #C0C0C0
14) Maroon – #800000
15) Oliv – #808000
16) Navy – #000080
17) Teal – #008080
18) Lime – #00FF00
19) Brown – #A52A2A
20) Gold – #FFD700
21) Aqua – #00FFFF
22) Beige – #F5F5DC
23) Coral – #FF7F50
24) Crimson – #DC143C
25) Dark blue – #00008B
26) Dark cyan – #008B8B
27) Dark Goldenrod – #B8860B
28) Dark gray – #A9A9A9
29) Dark green – #006400
30) Dark magenta – #8B008B
31) Dark orange – #FF8C00
32) Dark red – #8B0000
33) Dark salmon – #E9967A
34) Dark violet – #9400D3
35) Dark pink – #FF1493
36) Deep sky blue – #00BFFF
37) Dodger blue – #1E90FF
38) Forest green – #228B22
39) Fuchsia – #FF00FF
40) Hot pink – #FF69B4
How to change color code on Android?
Changing color code in Car Parking Multiplayer is simple and quick. Here are the steps I follow;
Open the game: First I launch Car Parking Multiplayer on my device.
Go to the garage: I enter the garage where my vehicles are stored.
Select Vehicle: Then I select the vehicle I want to customize.
Access customization options: I look for the “customize” or “paint” options in the menu.
Find color code: I usually search online for a six-character hex code. This code should start with the # symbol.
Note: You don’t need to find color codes now because I have shared a detailed list of codes that I personally tried.
Enter the code: I entered the hex code in the text body to change color.
Apply changes: After entering the code, I confirm the changes and see my car’s new color instantly.
It’s that easy! If I want to try different colors, I can repeat these steps.
How to change color code on PC/iOS?
If you’re playing on your PC or iOS device and willing to customize your car look then follow the same steps that I mentioned above.
Tips for using color codes:
I shared some tips from my experience, that will help you to get the best results.
1) Find the right hex codes:
Make sure to enter the correct six-character code including the # symbol.
2) Test different codes:
Always try different codes to see how they change your car’s look. This personal touch makes the game more fun.
3) Pay attention to details:
Some colors may look different in the game compared to on a screen. I check RGB values too which help me to understand the color better.
4) Save my favorites:
I keep a list of my favorite color codes. This makes it easy for me to change the colors quickly in the future.
By following these tips, you can easily make your car stand-out in the gameplay.